Short Functional Text

Short Functional Text is a short text that contains the command, direction, something to do or not to do that to a ban, invitations, greeting cards, short message, shopping lists, alerts, announcements, etc. that contain meaning and use in communications every day

1. Invitation

The Purpose : To invite people who will be invited

2. Announcement

The Purpose = to inform the person concerned

3. Short Massage

The Purpose : To receive a private message or an important message

4. Advertisement
The Purpose : To tell about the English language courses Ads

5. Greeting Card

 Happy Birthday
  Dear: Rena and Rani

    Congratulations, because now you eight years old.
   May you always succes and always you is the best.


The Purpose : To congratulate rena and rani because they are 8 years old

6. Letter

Dear Tim

How are you doing? 

wanted to thank you for being my true friend, for being with me through thick and thin, for sharing all I have been through and for all love . 

I am lucky to have a friend like you.


The Purpose : To express his gratitude to the team because Jim has become his best friend


Narrative Text : A Farmer and A Box

Once time, there was a poor farmer. He lived with his wife. One day, he dug up his field and found a big box. He then kept it in their house.
One sunny morning, his wife dropped an apple in the box. Suddenly, the box begun filled with apples. No matter how many apples were taken out,  more apples took place in the box.
One day, the framer dropped a gold coin into that box. At once, apples disappeared and the box begun filled up with gold coins. Soon the farmer became rich.
Having heard that his son got rich, the framer's father visited the couple. His father was not very strong. He could not go out to work anymore. So the farmer asked his old father to help him take the gold coins out of the box.
His father worked hard, took the gold coins out of the box. When he told that he was very tired and wanted to have a rest, the farmer shouted at him; "Why are you so lazy? Why can't you work harder?. The old man said nothing and continued to work. Suddenly the old man fell into the box, he died.  At once the gold coins disappeared and the box begun filled up with dead men.
The framer had to pull out and burried. To do this, the farmer had to spend all the money which he had collected before. When he had used up all his money, the box broke. The farmer  was just as poor as before.

.::Moral Value : 
Do not force the will to others ::.
Different Words :
1. Dug Up = Menggali
2. Suddenly = Tiba-tiba

3. Fell = Jatuh
4. Burried = Menguburkan